Use our club penguin book codes list below and enter the code that goes with the page number and word number. Here are the club penguin book codes for the official stage playbook. Club penguin book codes unlock a book and 1500 coins on club penguin. Thank you to club penguin insiders for the code list. Club penguin handbook codes star reporter get the newest club penguin book codes 2014 for your penguin to unlock book book codes for secret agent handbook, book codes for star reporter, book.
Trivia the code january2019 could only be used for 24 hours. We have over 150 book codes for the club penguin star reporter book, so your question should be below and you should get the actual code item nearly 100% of the time. The awesome official guide to club penguin book codes. But no need for buying the book, because you can get free codes right here. When you click on the o super reporter story book, youll see a screen like the following. The epf handbook is a handbook for elite penguin force agents. If we dont have the club penguin story book code in our list, click go back on the bottom and then click i have a book again and choose this book again for a new. Just like how you can get coins and items from unlocking codes, you can do the same with books. There is but in the shop you can buy book and it has its codes in it. On club penguin rewritten, you can redeem book codes by clicking unlock items online in the top right corner of the servers page, and then clicking i have a book. Secret agent handbook star reporter the official stage playbook the. Welcome to our club penguin book codes page for the star reporter book codes.
Click on the unlock items online button at the top right corner of the screen. If you dont know how to enter the codes or want to unlock the other books, please visit our club penguin book codes page for instructions when you click on the club penguin secret agent handbook, youll see a screen like the following. Club penguin is known to give out free codes in television commercials, magazines, and parent emails. Club penguin rewritten i have a book code unlocked book 2 azzby. Book codes the official club penguin unlock codes website. These club penguin codes can be used by more than one person to unlock very special items for. If we dont have the club penguin story book code for o super reporter in our list, click go back on the bottom and then click i have a book again and choose this book again for a new question. Once you have done that, find the word, by the numbers, each of our pages will have them in order from first to greatest number, going by first number, then second, then third. What word is on page 5, 5 words from the left on line 7. Our club penguin book codes will ensure you unlock the books in club penguin, and receive a free blue book for your penguin and also thousands of coins. When you click on the star reporter story book, youll see a screen like the following. What word is on page 8, 6 words from the left on line 19. If you want this cheat to work you hav gotta trying and get the question. Book codes are codes from books, where they will ask you a questions and you must answer it from a book you have bought, that is from clubpenguin.
What is the club penguin book code for star reporter. Explore our huge collection of new club penguin codes july 2015 to unlock free club penguin codes, items, coins, and clothing. Club penguin star reporter book codes club penguin cheats 20. Here are all the possible book codes for the official stage playbook. Unlock all the club penguin books with our list of club penguin book codes. Log in the penguin that you want to add coins or items to.
A few days ago, club penguin released the new star reporter book. We have over 80 book codes for the club penguin cardjitsu handbook, so your question should be below and you should get the actual code item nearly 100% of the time. What word is on page 5, 3 words from the left on line 5. Below are club penguin book codes for all of the books. What word is on page 41, 2 words from the left on line 2. What word is on page 3, 2 words from the left on line 8. Am to lazy to do another intro so just look at the codes xd here are the club penguin book codes for star reporter. Club penguin rewritten book codes to unlock the book codes, click i have a book click which book youd like to unlock click the name of that book down below. Club penguin book codes club penguin cheats,hacks and. Club penguin rewritten i have a book code unlocked. Its your buddy zackryder117 and we have the codes right underneath here. Club penguin book codes club penguin cheats 20 cheats whiz.
Club penguin book codes club penguin cheats club penguin. Club penguin book codes on this page there are club penguin book codes which will unlock you items. Here are some club penguin book codes that will hopefully help you unlock the book item and some coins added to your account. Star reporter the official club penguin unlock codes website. New club penguin star reporter book codes unlock items. Yesterday on club penguins official blog megg wrote a blog post about fan mail. If we dont have the club penguin story book code in our list, click go back on the bottom and then click i have a book again and choose this book again for a new question. Club penguin book codes spq96s club penguin cheats blog. If you dont know how to enter the codes, please visit our club penguin book codes page for instructions.
Inventors apprentice codes secret agent handbook codes star reporter. Hey there penguins, i have given over 50 codes on each of the disney and rockhopper book codes at this page at. Club penguin codes lbx club penguin cheats and more. Here are a few things the club penguin team has sent back to players who. Club penguin cheats 20 rockhopper tracker field ops codes. The different club penguin book codes let you unlock special items in the game by. On club penguin rewritten, you can redeem book codes by clicking unlock items. What word is on page 8, 2 words from the left on line 19. Club penguin cart surfer cheats club penguin cheats 20. The ultimate official guide to club penguin club penguin stowaway the inventors apprentice secret agent handbook star reporter official stage playbook the great puffle switch the awesome official guide to club penguin dancing with cadence the cardjitsu handbook before. Unlocking a star reporter book code earns your penguin. To view the page of the codes for these books, just simply click the name of the book.
If you dont already know how to unlock items online, just follow these simple steps. You can unlock items with these codes and these codes will never expire first, once you have just logged in, to unlock an item click the unlock an item online button. I will update this page reguarly with all of the book codes. What word is on page 6, 5 words from the left on line 5. Secret agent handbook star reporter the official stage playbook the great puffle switch the awesome official guide to club penguin.
The official stage playbook club penguin rewritten cheats 2020. Search through our huge list of star reporter book codes to unlock items for your penguin. Cart surfer game is located in the mine shack, here is a guide on getting the most coins ingame. The first time you unlock your book, you will earn 1500 coins and an item for your inventory. When you click on the club penguin secret agent handbook, youll see a screen like the following. Codes for club penguin book secret agent handbook code. Choose which penguin you want to unlock the book on.
For instructions and tips on unlocking book codes, visit our club penguin book codes page. Club penguin stowaway official stage playbook secret agent handbook star reporter the inventors apprentice the ultimate official guide to club penguin benato2s cp guide cheats, tips, secrets and codes. Club penguin secret agent handbook book codes club. Playbook codes secret agent handbook codes star reporter book codes. English book codes the ultimate official guide to club penguin what word is on page 9, 4 words from the left on line 15. This is our club penguin book codes collection for the star reporter book. Club penguin book codes club penguin cheats,hacks and downloads. On this page you will find club penguin book codes that work.
Club penguin star reporter book codes club penguin insiders. Ksi confronts joe weller at upload 2017 full video club. Ultimate official guide to club penguin club penguin stowaway inventors apprentice secret agent handbook star reporter official stage playbook the great puffle switch the awesome official guide to club penguin dancing with cadence the cardjitsu. Log in regularly and choose the option i have a book. Jul 30, 2009 club penguin star reporter book codes posted by tech163 on july 30, 2009 under cheats and tips. Make sure you have the numbers in the correct order and then enter that code. To unlock these codes, login your club penguin account, go to the unlock items online page, click on ive got a book, and click the name of the book. If you dont know how to enter the codes or want to unlock the other books, please visit our club penguin book codes page for instructions. Nov 26, 2011 this feature is not available right now. To get codes for club penguin, you have to buy club penguin things from any disney store.
What word is on page 7, 6 words from the left on line 12. Unlock items online is a feature in club penguin online that allows penguins to obtain items by entering a code in the treasure book. Here are the club penguin book codes for star reporter. Here are some codes to unlock club penguin books for your penguins. Codes for club penguin book secret agent handbook code download codes for club penguin book secret agent handbook code read online the club penguin elite force is a secret agent spy team. It is the portuguese version of cardjitsu handbook. The book includes details about elite penguin force agents, villains, gear, and other general information. If you have a club penguin book code and would like to share it, post a comment here.
Club penguin star reporter book codes club penguin cheaters. Just search our list below to find the correct book cheat code. On this page there are club penguin book codes which will unlock you items and coins on club penguin. Club penguin star reporter book codes club penguin. For these codes, all you have to do is match the questions below with the one on your club penguin code unlock option. We have over 150 book codes for the club penguin star. Club penguin cheat book coin code for the star reporter. Club penguin book code the great puffle switch youtube. If we dont have the club penguin story book code for o super reporter in our list, click go back on the bottom and then click i have a book again. Click the unlock items online button on the lowerleft of the island. Awesome official guide to club penguin codes cheats whiz. Club penguin manual do desafio ninja is the 8th portuguese club penguin book. If you dont know how to enter the codes or want to unlock the other books, please visit our club penguin book codes page for instructions when you click on the club penguin secret agent handbook, youll see. The inventors apprentice, secret agent handbook, official guide to club penguin, stowaway adventures.
Luckily for you, you dont have to go out and purchase all the books to get their codes, ive collected the answers for hundreds. Club penguin secret agent handbook book codes club penguin. Here are all the possible book codes for star reporter. Welcome to our club penguin book codes page for the secret agent handbook codes. Go to and click i have a code followed by clicking i have a book then enter the word to the matching question from below. Club penguin book codes are from real club penguin books that you can buy in stores or even find in your local library. Club penguin rewritten book codes club penguin rewritten cheats. Adventures at sea dancing with cadence official stage playbook secret agent handbook star reporter penguin. It is located at the bottomright hand corner of the epf command room.
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